Photoshop:: Older Versions Of Photoshop Nov 1, 2008 I have upgraded over the year and now have versions 7 through CS3 residing on my system. Can I uninstall all these older version? Similar Messages:. ADVERTISEMENT Sep 8, 2008 A customer has PS 5.0, 5.5 and 7.0 installed. He needs to free up disk space. Can he safely uninstall the older versions without compromising 7.0 or are there files common to 2 or more installations that will cause 7.0 not to work?
Jul 8, 2009 I purchased the Photoshop CS about 5 years ago. My machine became dead and I no longer have the CD with me but I saved the serial number.
Could I download this old version again? Jan 21, 2013 I installed PS CS6 on the same MacBook Pro as CS5.
CS6 did not prompt me to migrate settings on first run. Edit-Presets-Migrate Presets returns There are no presets to migrate from the older versions May 14, 2013 I have heard that the new Photoshop CC uses a new file system that is not compatible with older versions of Photoshop so you can only edit them in the new Cloud version of Photoshop CC. Apr 3, 2013 I re-installed PSP X5 on new computer and no longer have masks from previous versions of PSP. Is there a source where I can download these legacy files? Apr 2, 2013 I had autocad 2013 but it was infected with a virus so i was obliged to install 2012 version. Problem is that all my files are saved as 2013 and would not open in 2012. How to save all files at once to older version?
Jun 5, 2012 I've been tasked with creating electronic versions of some older AutoCAD drawings for which only hard copies exist. There are a lot of them, so in an effort to expedite the process I thought I would try to scan the drawings and scale them appropriately so that I could just go through and trace the lines.
I was planning on doing some sanity-checks of the measurements in the AutoCAD and actual drawings as well. This would save me the time of having to measure the length and angle between each of the lines on the drawing (to which there are wild variations) before drawing them in AutoCAD. The problem is that these drawings were printed on some really large paper (Ex: 4ft by 6ft), so I can't really use a desktop scanner. My thought was that I could mount the drawings on a wall and take photographs of them using my camera instead. I would use the photographs to trace lines in AutoCAD. Oct 15, 2013 I have used the 30 day LR5 trial and I don't love it and prefer LR3 that I have been using for the past few years.
I've created some libraries though, and want to know how I can view them if I return to using LR3 after the trial. I didn't import the images to Lightroom, rather, I referenced them on my HD. Do I need to export them as an older version? Or save the images in another format?
Apr 23, 2013 we have bought aclt 2013 and we have got a problem with some files created wtih older versions of aclt.When we try to open the file (plan), the file name appears but the progress bar don' t move then the file close. HP Z620 12Go W7x64 Nov 6, 2012 I have created.dwg drawings in AutoCAD LT 2013 and have found that people with older versions of AutoCAD cannot open them. Is there a generic overall version of AutoCAD that I can save my drawings in that would be accessible to all versions of AutoCAD? Aug 23, 2012 Is there a way to make PS X4 open up images the way it did in older versions. Each image opens up as a stand alone floating box so I can have them side by side? (See attached image) Feb 21, 2013 When I try to use PSPx5 to open.psp images created with older versions of PSP, I get the message that they can't be opened.
May 24, 2012 I have a newly downloaded version of AutoCAD LT 2013 that will not save files in older formats for autocad 2004 and 2007. When trying to save the user gets the following error message 'One or more objects in the drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created.' I did some searching in the discussion groups and it appears that this is a known/common issue with autcad lt 2013.
Is there a work around to saving it in a format that older autocad applications can view? Apr 20, 2012 I installed 2012 a couple of months ago and have been working with it just fine.
Recently, I cleaned up my computer and uninstalled earlier versions (2009,2010,2011). Now, I am getting errors such as: - error initializing sheet set manager -etransmit not working Feb 16, 2014 Are brushes/sets created in CC compatible with CS and/or older versions of Illustrator +Photoshop?
Feb 18, 2014 I just started using the new Indesign CC and one of the features that I miss is the blue outline that would appear around textboxes. It would allow me see where my text was and move it around. The new Indesign CC displays text, but with no outline around the text, which makes it difficult to re-adjust the box size and move around my text. Is there a way to enable the text box outline to show when designing (not when printing) as the previous verisons of InDesign did? Oct 18, 2012 As I have done for years I shoot in RAW and use Nikon transfer to load images from the card to my laptop and external drive. AFter I sort the images by subject I import them to Lightroom for the final touches.
Not so with Lightroom 4.2 and Nikon D600.Adobe says if yousue transfer than 4.2 will not recognize the files and too a company they are going downhill.I hope they correct the problem so I can import the 1500 images into Lightroom for final conversions. Jun 23, 2004 I was explaining to my sister how to use 'save the web' but it turns out she has PS 4.0 and says she doesn't see that option anywhere. Does anyone know where in PS 4 she would find this option or it's equivalent. May 15, 2013 Can prior versions of inventor access current versions of vault?As in, can Inventor 2010 access vault 2013?
Or does it have inventor 2013 and vault 2013? Jun 9, 2009 I've used all kinds of programs and recently bit the bullet and got CS4. I wanted to buy a book on it going further in depth with the software, but I keep finding Photoshop 7 books but not on CS4. So my question is whats the difference?
Everyone I talked to said CS4 is the best but I don't know the difference, from using the program with out really knowing the ins and outs of it I like it. I keep getting the hand of death sometimes but i'm able to get it working right again. So what is the difference between PS 7 and CS4? Nov 25, 2012 I was wondering if there is a big difference in the CS6 over the older version of 5.
I was looking to upgrade, but I only see the Creative Cloud as a monthly fee. I also noticed the Creative Suite. Is CS56 available as a stand alone upgrade, or do I need to got with teh Suite or Cloud. May 3, 2003 I was searching for tutorials for making photos look older than they are. But i couldn't find one.
If anyone of u know, can u explain me how to. Feb 21, 2005 I have photoshop CS for windows.
I am trying to send a friend a file. He has photoshop 7 for windows. Whenever he opens my file it shows up as flattened. What can I do to save my photoshop file as an older version?
I know that you can do it with illustrator. Mar 24, 2009 I have created and sent a photoshop file (cs3) to someone but they have photoshop 6 and cannot open the file. Is there anything I can do to make this psd readable by photoshop 6? Are there any blending options or such that are not supported by photoshop 6?
Jun 7, 2013 I am using 64-bit windows 7 machine and have master collection CS5.When I install CS5, I notice both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are check. If I install 64-bit PS, would the 32-bit program be useful at all? Jul 18, 2006 I've got a few Photoshop actions that I've been using for personal projects, and I'm considering releasing them to the public. I'd like to make them as version compliant as possible, to suit a wider audience. What I'm wondering is, if I've created actions in CS (PS v8), how far back in versions would the actions work?
I've heard some people say version 7, but I couldn't get a definate answer. Feb 26, 2004 I want to make some actions that will be able to work in different versions of PS (I think the 3 that we use are 5, 7, and LE). Don't worry, most of the actions will be select all, copy, paste, save, ect.
Simple things that are open in all vers. (Am I remembering right that LE doesn't have actions?) Any who, how could I make actions work in all of these different versions?
Make the actions in 5 and load them into 7? I would prefer to make them in 7, May 12, 2009 if one could run CS2 and CS4 on the same machine without problems. I ask this, because I currently have CS2 and have been researching the possibility of buying CS4. I don't want to do an upgrade, because I want to keep my CS2 around for a while to make sure I get along with CS4. Jul 22, 2012 Images edited w. Photoshop CS5 (v.
12.03) on a Mac running OS 10.6.8 print perfectly on my Epson Stylus Pro 3880. But the same files printed from a newer Mac running OS 10.7.4 and Photoshop CS5 (v12.1) print too light. Exact same printer settings in PS being used, same printer driver version (reinstalled to make sure not a bad driver), using the same.icc paper profile (also reinstalled), and using same batch of paper printed at same time. Epson confirms driver is compatible. Everything else on the new system with PS works great. Gallery show in three weeks. Dec 26, 2012 Can't install my older PS CS2 Standard on new Macbook Pro.
Doesn't support Lion 10.7.2. I still have 2 usages left on this edition.
0 Comments By Helen Bradley If you’re moving from Photoshop CS5 or CS6 to Photoshop CC you may be tempted to clean up your computer and remove the older Photoshop version from it. After all there’s no point leaving it there if you’re not using it is there?
Well I, for one, won’t be removing Photoshop CS5 anytime soon and I suggest you think twice about removing your older version too. Here are my reasons: 1. Adobe Axed Picture Package Adobe axed Picture Package quite a long time ago but it could be easily made to work with Photoshop CS5.
For a time there I also had it running with Photoshop CS6 until an update to CS6 permanently knocked it out. So, because I like to use Picture Package for assembling images and because it works just fine with Photoshop CS5, I’ll be keeping that version.
Anytime I need to assemble multiple images into a layout I only need choose File Automate Picture Package and I’m off and running. If you want to know how to add Picture Package back into Photoshop CS4 there’s a DPS blog post that I wrote explaining all about it here in. For Photoshop CS4 and CS5 I also created some training for which you will find.
And for Photoshop CS6, I wrote a on my blog about how to add it to Photoshop CS6. While many readers are finding it still works, sadly while I can tell you how to do it the actual solution no longer works for me. Adobe Axed Pixel Bender Yep, in Photoshop CS6 Adobe took the Oil Paint Filter from Pixel Bender, built it into Photoshop and promptly dumped everything else.
I found that disappointing – I kind of like Pixel Bender – in particular some of the fractal effects that you can create with it. I also have a Droste filter for it that is awesome and that I use from time to time.
Since I plan to keep Photoshop CS5 I’ll still have access to Pixel Bender – thank you very much Adobe! Just in case you’re interested – the Pixel Bender extension won’t work with versions of Photoshop later than Photoshop CS5. Again, I wrote a DPS blog post on Pixel Bender, how to install it and what you’ll find when you. And a post on Tom Beddard’s awesome Droste Filter. And I have a YouTube video that shows you how to use the Droste Effect filter here: 3.
I Don’t Trust the Licensing Model If you’re reliant on Photoshop for your day to day work – if you’re a Photoshop teacher, for example, then problems with the new licensing model might cause you unexpected grief. In this scenario you will start your computer one day and Photoshop will lock you out citing some issue with your license. Of course you have a paid up license, but the software won’t recognize this and it will go into lock down mode. Until you can call Adobe Support and get them to fix the issue you won’t be able to get into your software – one more reason why I suggest you keep an earlier version of Photoshop on your computer just in case.
Now I haven’t had problems with Photoshop CC but I have had issues with a subscription license for Adobe Captive – on two separate occasions both within the last 12 months and both without warning. If I had been teaching a class, it would have meant that I simply couldn’t do what I was being paid to do. The problem with the subscription licensing is that it’s not full proof and if it fails you may be locked out of your software until you can get support to fix the issue and that’s going to take time. In Summary While I wholeheartedly encourage you to enjoy the new features of Photoshop CC I do recommend that you keep an earlier version of Photoshop on your computer. Then, you’ll have access to Picture Package and the Pixel Bender feature (once you install them) and a fallback position if you get locked out of your software unexpectedly. So now it’s over to you – if you’ve installed Photoshop CC do you still have an older version of Photoshop installed? If so, what is your reason for not removing the earlier version?
I wholeheartedly agree with using free-libre software. Perhaps not an option if you are a professional who needs all the latest bells and whistles – then you need to suffer the terms of licence agreements and all the problems that go with it.
However as a hobbyist I switched to free-libre software and never looked back. I still pay for my software by donating, however I am not subject to any accidental licence problems, licence changes, or other abuse by the vendor. And I am supporting community, not shareholders pockets. This is a social justice question, not only a technical difference.
Older Versions Of Photoshop For Mac 10
I would encourage everyone to give it a try! Adobe has this thing about providing the best quality graphics software out there and being a downright pain about letting people use it. I’m keeping an older version around for this reason. I don’t need the high end video editing or the extreme graphics part. I’m just a photographer and want the photo editing portion. I don’t even need the extreme range of filters either. Older versions work very well for that.
Perhaps it’s time for someone else to get out there and compete with Adobe so that they will stop being so onerous about using their product. I’ve used the GIMP before and, while it can do much of the same things as Photoshop, it is organized very differently and calls stuff different names. It takes a while to adjust to and I’m just lazy that way.
I agree with a lot of what is written here that some times the old software does things better – also one advantage of CC is that things can be changed modified and new features maybe added at any moment, one big disadvantage is features can also be removed! As has been he-lighted in the article above! Pat I agree with you about Gimp for the most part, I would say however its really like using a watered down and older version of photo-shop! With many of the new tools added to Photoshop actually being directed at the photographer I would argue that its still the number 1 tool for editing photos. This is not to say the Gimp can’t do most of the stuff that photo-shop rather it takes a lot more time.
My personal favorite editor is light-room as has some neat tools for editing and is none-permanent. However if running a Mac – I Photo does a similar job and comes with the computer. Great advice that I can’t stress enough. Old software always works better than newer, and I keep an extra computer around to run winXP and older software. I despise the new “control everything you do” philosophy that’s taking over software & computers, which is a long term bait & switch plan.
I don’t like the feeling of paying hard earned cash to be at an over-confident corporation’s mercy who decides when my program works and on what conditions, without notice or apology as if neither I nor the hefty price I paid matter. Microsoft once promised free upgrades on a one-time $35 OS to get everyone to switch from Mac, then once they had the market, turned it all around on us. We lost the best computer technologies in exchange for the problematic windows bloatware-with viruses as a side dish- that we all “enjoy” now. Most “upgrades” have felt more like downgrades to me. I still use PS CS2 and have never found tools in later versions that make them even worth the installation headaches, let alone the slower performance. To each her own though. The newer generations will not notice the difference and will see it all as ‘just the way things are’ but us old fogies remember when customer satisfaction was what made companies successful.
The “new sales models” are slowly taking the rightful power of the consumer away. Mark ant September 20, 2013 11:40 pm I agree with a lot of what is written here that some times the old software does things better - also one advantage of CC is that things can be changed modified and new features maybe added at any moment, one big disadvantage is features can also be removed! As has been he-lighted in the article above! Pat I agree with you about Gimp for the most part, I would say however its really like using a watered down and older version of photo-shop! With many of the new tools added to Photoshop actually being directed at the photographer I would argue that its still the number 1 tool for editing photos. This is not to say the Gimp can't do most of the stuff that photo-shop rather it takes a lot more time. My personal favorite editor is light-room as has some neat tools for editing and is none-permanent.
However if running a Mac - I Photo does a similar job and comes with the computer. Pocatello Photography, Cramer Imaging September 10, 2013 05:43 am Adobe has this thing about providing the best quality graphics software out there and being a downright pain about letting people use it.
I'm keeping an older version around for this reason. I don't need the high end video editing or the extreme graphics part.
I'm just a photographer and want the photo editing portion. I don't even need the extreme range of filters either. Older versions work very well for that. Perhaps it's time for someone else to get out there and compete with Adobe so that they will stop being so onerous about using their product. I've used the GIMP before and, while it can do much of the same things as Photoshop, it is organized very differently and calls stuff different names. It takes a while to adjust to and I'm just lazy that way. Tomas Sobek September 9, 2013 10:47 pm I wholeheartedly agree with using free-libre software.
Perhaps not an option if you are a professional who needs all the latest bells and whistles - then you need to suffer the terms of licence agreements and all the problems that go with it. However as a hobbyist I switched to free-libre software and never looked back. I still pay for my software by donating, however I am not subject to any accidental licence problems, licence changes, or other abuse by the vendor. And I am supporting community, not shareholders pockets. This is a social justice question, not only a technical difference. I would encourage everyone to give it a try!
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