The Omni Group on Wednesday announced the release of, a new project management software application for Mac OS X. It costs $149.95, and a downloadable demo is available. OmniPlan lets you create project management plans complete with Gantt charts, schedules, summaries, milestones and critical paths.

Omniplan Omniplan Omniplan For Mac

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You can identify bottlenecks, track budgets and distribute workloads, different resources by Staff, Material, Equipment and Groups, assign costs to resources and control resource availability. OmniPlan can help you schedule tasks using a variety of rules such as who’s involved or as resources allow.


Visual timelines display how tasks are set up using a time-phased diagram. If your schedule has logical impossibilities, OmniPlan will display a violation window with an explanation of the problem.

OmniPlan imports Extensible Markup Language (XML) data from Microsoft Project and FastTrack Schedule, and exports to iCal, CSV, Microsoft Project Exchange (MPX), Microsoft Project (XML), HTML, OmniOutliner, and other formats. You can create HTML reports as well, filtering criteria for customized printing and exporting. OmniPlan requires Mac OS X v10.4.6 or later.

It’s a Universal binary. This story, 'OmniPlan project management software released' was originally published.