September 2009, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA WNG had 1 presentation in this meeting: 1.01-0wng-ieee802-11-for-high-speed-mobility.ppt Presentation about IEEE802.11 enhancement for high speed mobility support. Nomadic, Limitation of Market, Connectivity Lost Straw Poll 1 – “IEEE802.11 should proceed to mobile communication.” Yes: 8, No: 0, Need More Discussion: 15, Don’t Care: 1 Straw Poll 2 - “A Study Group to develop a PAR and 5C for Fast Authentication and Key Exchange Method should be created” Yes: 4, No: 4, Need More Discussion: 17, Don’t Care: 0. July 2009, San Francisco, California, USA WNG had 7 presentations in this meeting: 1. 802.11 Energy Consumption and Policy 2. QoS for Management Frames - r0 a. MOTION: Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11 Study Group to Address QoS for Management Frames as described in doc r1 with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria.
Result: 34 – Yes; 3 – No; 14 – Abstain. Motion Passes. 802.11 in TVWS - -01-0wng-802-11-in-the-tvws.ppt a. MOTION: Because of its suitability as a primary candidate for a TVWS technology, and in the expectation that the FCC and Ofcom will clarify their requirements for the database in the interim, the 802.11 WG should begin a Study Group to develop PAR and 5 Criteria documents for approval by the EC at the Atlanta Plenary in November 2009.
Result: 39 – Yes; 0– No; 15 – Abstain. Motion passes 4. Enhancement Technology for vehicular communications – -02-0wng-enhancement-technology-for-vehicular-communications.ppt a. STRAW POLL: Should IEEE 802.11 WNG receive further presentations on the topic of enhanced technology for vehicular communications. Result: 13 – Yes; 0 – No; 18 – Need more information. WLAN Public Easements - -01-0wng-public-easements-for-802-11.ppt a. STRAW POLL: Should 802.11 WNG receive further presentations on the topic of public easements?
Result: 19 – Yes; 0 – No. Enhanced Security for 802.11i - -04-0wng-enhanced-security.ppt a.
MOTION: Move to request the 802.11 Working Group to approve and forward to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee the creation of a new IEEE 802.11 Study Group, called the Enhanced 802.11 Security Study Group (ESSG), to investigate ways to provide security enhancements to 802.11 on the following:. Secure, robust, de-centralized, peer-to-peer key management.
Faster, more robust, or more power-efficient ciphers. Upon confirmation of feasibility and per 802 operating rules, the ESSG shall draft a PAR and 5 criteria to be submitted to the 802.11 WG. Result: 22 – Yes; 8 – No; 10 – Abstain.
Motion Fails. Broadband V2I Access for High Speed Transportation – -03-0wng-broadband-v2i-access-for-high-speed-transportation.ppt a. STRAW POLL: A Study Group to develop a PAR and 5C for High-speed Broadband Access for 802.11 should be created. Result: 6 – Yes; 0 – No; 13 – Need more discussion; 0 – Don’t care. May 2009, Montreal, Canada WNG had 4 presentations in this meeting: 1.02-0wng-broadband-v2i-access-for-high-speed-transportation.ppt StrawPoll: A study group to develop a PAR and Five Criteria for “High Speed Broadband Access for high speed vehicular transportation systems” should be created. A)Yes – 2 b)No -3 c) Don’t know, Need more information - 23 d)Don’t care.03-0000-mrpm-principle.ppt 3.02-0wng-enhanced-security.ppt MOTION: Move to request the 802.11 Working Group to approve and forward to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee the creation of a new IEEE 802.11 Study Group, called the Enhanced 802.11 Security Study Group (ESSG), to investigate ways to provide security enhancements to 802.11 on the following:.
Secure, robust, de-centralized key management using public key-based and password-based credentials. Faster, more robust, or more power-efficient ciphers to protect 802.11 frames. Upon confirmation of feasibility and per 802 operating rules, the ESSG shall draft a PAR and 5 criteria to be submitted to the 802.11 WG. Yes: 10, No: 7, Abstain: 22 (Motion Failed).
March 2009, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada WNG had 3 presentations in this meeting:. r1 'Enhanced Security Features for 802.11'. The result of the straw poll question 'A study group to develop a PAR and Five Criteria for Enhanced Security for 802.11 should be created.' Resulted in Yes: 11, No: 1, Don’t know, Need more information:11, Don’t care: 6. r0 'Enhancement of 802.11 ad-hoc Mode'. The result of straw poll question 'Should IEEE 802.11 WNG receive further presentations on the topic of performance improvement for IEEE 802.11 ad hoc mode?' Resulted in Yes: 10, No: 1, Abstain: 14.
r0 '802 Next Generation Security'. Generated a lot of debate about where the future security requirements of IEEE 802.11 (and indeed IEEE 802) could be going. January 2009, Los Angeles, California, USA WNG had 4 presentations in this meeting:. r0: 'Broadband access for high-speed transportation'.
Straw poll indicated sufficient interest to continue further study. r2: 'Fast handover support for highly mobile users using cots 802-11 cards. This presentation discussed how a fast and seamless handover for Real-Time Telemetry is possible using standard COTS IEEE 802.11 chipsets. r1: 'Secure 802.11 Authentication Using Only A Password '. This presentation explained why Authentication using a password or pre-shared key has not been done properly in 802.11. As a result there is no way to use these credentials to secure a WLAN. More to follow.
Summary Of Overview Of Emerging Ieee 802.11 Protocol For Mac Pro
r3: 'TV white space update 1'. This presentation provided an update on the FCC Rules For Unlicensed Use of Television White Spaces and its impact on Part 15 devices. It discusses the use of TV White Space and provided a set of straw polls to determine the 802.11 position.
November 2008, Dallas, Texas, USA WNG had 5 presentations in this meeting:. r0: 'Broadband access for high-speed transportation'. r1: 'Hybrid MAC for VANET'. r0: 'Security of wireless networks: how low layers security can help'.
r0: 'Topology discovery and coverage area approximation with 802.11k'. r1: 'TV white space FCC action'.
A motion on Request for approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802 Study Group to review TV white space in the light of the FCC's TV white space actions of November 4, 2008, with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria was passed. September 2008, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA WNG had 5 presentations in this meeting: 1) r0: 'IEEE 802.21 Broadcast Handovers Study Group' also see -00-bcst-indoor-coverage-of-dvb.ppt 2) r0: 'WAVE Channel Modeling and The Midamble Insertion Effects' 3) r1: 'WLAN field trial in high speed moving environment' 4) r0: 'Security in Wireless Networks: using PHY resources to do better' A straw poll indicated that there was not enough interest to pursue study group creation at this point. 5) r0: ' SlyFi: Enhancing 802.11 Privacy by Concealing Link Layer Identifiers'. July 2008, Denver, Colorado, USA WNG had 1 presentations in this meeting. 1) Radio Transmission Technology for V2V/V2I Applications. This presentation is a follow-on to the March presentation, Simulation results were presented to highlight the impact of two technology areas: a) Mid-amble based Channel estimation for long packet b) CSMA/CA-TDMA combined MAC for service priority The strawpoll result indicates a strong interest in continuing the presentations in the V2V and V2I areas in future meeting.
May 2008, Jacksonville, Florida, USA WNG had 3 presentations in this meeting 1) Segregated Data Services in 802.11. This presentation is a revised version of an earlier presentation given at the Taipei meeting. It introduced the segregation of traffic between a mesh and fixed infrastructure. The author is invited to provide a more detailed presentation at the next meeting. 2) Faciliting Powerline Communication (PLC) PHYs.
This presentation focused on an alternative to wireless communication - powerline communication (PLC). There exists several consumer and SOHO use cases where wireless communication cannot reach with sufficient bandwidth and it is impossible to pull new wiring. Powerline communication usefulness could be facilitated by combining an 802.11 MAC with a powerline PHY. 3) Presence information in large mesh networks. This presentation describes a protocol that provides upper layers with a means of communication with remote nodes, but no efficient means of knowing which nodes are reachable in the first place. Accordingly, presence service should be implemented at Layer-2 because it can make reactive routing protocols more efficient and does not break power-saving schemes at Layer-2. March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA WNG had 3 presentations in this meeting 1) Mobility Concepts in 802.11.
This presentation highlighted several fundamental topics related to mobility extension. The author is invited to provide a more detailed presentation at the next meeting. 2) WAVE Enhancement.
This presentation focused on enhancements to V2V (vehicle to vehicle) and V2I (vehicle to Infrastructure) and why its important to consider the issues relevant to 802.11 for vehicular deployments. 3) Impact of Multi-hop MESH flows on WLANs. This presentation is a follow up from a presentation in 2007 and the author has done some simulations based on feedback from earlier meetings. Plans for May 2008 Jacksonville meeting Call for Presentation on emerging topics of wireless communications. January 2008, Taipei, Taiwan WNG had 2 presentation in this meeting 1) Next Generation Security for 802.11. This presentation highlighted elements of next generation wireless security that's needed for future work within 802.11. 2) Segregated Data Services in 802.11.
This presentation provided a narrower scope from an earlier presentation given in Atlanta. The author solicited feedback which will be incorporated in the next revision of the presentation to be given in the Orlando meeting.
Plans for March 2008 Orlando meeting Call for Presentation on emerging topics of wireless communications. November 2007, Atlanta, USA WNG had 3 presentations in this meeting. Terahertz Frequencies 1) Introduction to terahertz (300 GHz+) technologies.
( doc: -00-0vht-extreme-bandwidth-wireless-area-networks-utilizing-terahertz-frequencies.ppt) 2) Recent actions by the US Delegation to the ITU/WRC 2007 conference have managed to forestalled impending spectrum allocations within terahertz (THz) frequencies until at the earliest the next WRC conference in 2011. ( doc: -00-0vht-current-sataus-on-terahertz-spectrum-allocation.ppt) 3) Content Protection Support ( doc: -00-0wng-content-protection-support-in-802-11.ppt) High definition audio and video applications are becoming popular for WLAN, and content protection requirement is ubiquitous. Due to the characteristics of the wireless media, content protection in wireless LAN requires support from the MAC and PHY layer. The requirement of content protection support and possible working areas in WLAN are presented.
Plans for Jan 2008 Session ( Taipei) Call for Presentation on emerging topics of wireless communications. March 2007, Florida, USA WNG had 5 presentations in this meeting: 1) 802.11 versus WMM Analysis (doc:-00-0wng-802-11-vs-wmm-analysis.xls) Spreadsheet which compares various parameters between the existing IEEE 802.11 standard and those in Wi-Fi Alliance's WMM specification. 2) Video Streaming over 802.11 networks (doc:-00-0wng-video-streaming-over-802.11.ppt) This was a presentation of use cases, building on previous meetings presentations and also Monday evening's tutorial: ( 3) IPN-WLAN: IPN Enabled Wireless LANs (doc:-00-0wng (IPN-WLAN: IPN enabled Wireless LANs) This presentation introduced a new 'mutual authentication' technology for IEEE802.11 wireless LANs called 'IPN-WLAN'. 4) High Speed Broadband Wireless LAN solution (doc: -00-0wng-high-speed-broadband-wireless-lan-solution.ppt) The presentation presented a way to improve the data transmission speed of 802.11a/g, using a high-speed broadband wireless LAN solution 5) Looking Ahead to The Future (doc:-01-0wng-looking-ahead-to-future.ppt) This presentation provided an encouragement to initiate the development of new enhancements to 802.11 to deliver very high data rates. January 2007, London, UK WNG had 1 session at this meeting, with 3 presentations.
WMM/11e PAR Considerations (r0). The presentation considers the need to transition IEEE 802.11e to WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) as it is felt that WMM has been adopted in the market place and has aspects that do not interoperate with IEEE 802.11e. Following a short introduction the presentation requests, that a new Task Group (PAR and 5C proposal available in r1) be established within IEEE 802.11, to harmonise these two specifications. Audio Video Multicast Protocol (r0). The presenters want to support services such as IPTV. It is known that IEEE 802.11e provides QoS for AV connections, however, AC-VO and AC-VI have high collision probability because of the small contention window.
AV multicast protocol can't provide QoS because the collided frames are lost and unfair channel access between AV multicast and AV unicast occurs. This presentation addresses some of these issues in more detail. An update of Video over WLAN (r0). For over a year, there have been various presentations within WNG SC looking at the need to provide a higher level of QoS in particular for video transmission over IEEE 802.11.
The presenters are trying to narrow the scope of potential work in this area. Between November 2006 and this meeting, the presenters have had a couple of conference calls and it was decided that it is now appropriate to give an update on what was discussed and what conclusions have been arrived at. November 2006, Dallas, Texas, USA WNG had 1 session at this meeting: There were 4 presentations:. Multicast Issues Multimedia Application:( r0). The basic premise is that current multicast support in IEEE 802.11 is not suitable for high speed video Multimedia transmission. This submission builds on an earlier presentation made in WNG in July 2006. It would be useful to allow multicast transmission for the home environment and possibly the enterprise environment.
It talks about the current unreliable multicast mechanism, which does not use an acknowledgement mechanism. The submission presents 4 separate issues which need to be addressed. A strawpoll was taken to ascertain if there is sufficient interest to start a new Study Group. Power Saving Limitation for Multicast Applications (r0 ).
This submission presents an overview of the power management scheme in IEEE 802.11 standards and discusses its limitation with regard to the multicast cases. This would be typically useful to live TV and Video on Demand transmissions.Again it refers to the limitations of the current IEEE 802.11 multicast scheme, especially when considering power saving.
It is felt that this is important for light weight battery terminals (e.g. Results are shown for various IEEE 802.11 power saving modes.
The conclusion is that a new power conservation system should be designed for STAs. Cooperative Cross-Layer Communication (r0). This submission introduces various PHY layer cooperative communication concepts to the IEEE 802.11 community. Significant performance (throughput, range, reliability, etc.) enhancements are possible by the 'cooperative' use of STAs in an IEEE 802.11 network, as opposed to 'combative' use. Following these strategies all the STAs in a cell can win. This concept is different from multihop, where STAs are essentially relays within a network. Co-operation can use a partner STAs within the network and utilizes macro-diversity in the receiver as shown in slide 3 (i.e.
Simultaneous reception of the same frame from difference sources). The paper then goes onto to present various co-operative methods which have currently being discussed within academia. These operate at both PHY and MAC layers.
They would be very useful for in-home networks and provides considerable benefits for video distribution. CoopMAC: A cooperative MAC compliant with IEEE 802.11 (r0): This submission also dealt with cooperation between the MAC and PHY layers. It presents some of the motivations of co-operation. Essentially co-operation is useful as the wireless link is unreliable.
It builds on the previous submission and shows how receiver combining can work in practice. In addition it has some performance results for IEEE 802.11g with and without co-operation. The results also show channel access delay and energy efficient measurements when using this system. A demo was constructed with 4 laptops, utilizing 2 helps (partners) and results were presented. The conclusion is that co-operation in the MAC layer, significantly improves the performance of the system. September 2006, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia WNG had 1 sessions at this meeting: There were 3 presentations: 802-11a-in-outdoor-mobile- environments(06/1339r0).
This presentation demonstrated the IEEE 802.11a waveform can be used in outdoor, mobile environments without modification. This is achieved with receive side PHY processing improvements only. The channel experienced under outdoor, mobile conditions is reviewed and a baseband receive processor is presented that can cope with these conditions. This was followed by results from a recent field trial incorporating such a receiver. A video was also shown. Extensions to DLS (06/1478r0 ). This presentation identified few short comings in current DLS scheme defined as part of 802.11-REVma/D8.0 draft.
It provided the rationale for examining DLS operation with non 802.11e APs and also power saving extensions to DLS. The presentation ended with a motion to form a Study Group in order to examine DLS operation with non 802.11e APs and to examine power saving extensions to DLS with the intent to create a PAR and five criteria to form a new task group. Traffic- aware(06/0912r0).
This presentation provided the rationale for traffic aware mechanism in WLAN and mesh environments.The benefits of traffic aware mechanisms can help alleviate traffic congestion in WLAN mesh. The benefits of load balancing and QoS guarantee were also explained. July 2006, San Diego, California, USA WNG had 2 sessions at this meeting: There were 5 presentations:. 802.64 amendments to support CE (Consumer Electronic) Applications: Technical Requirements r2. This document discusses consumer electronic (CE) applications and describes the technical requirements that should be met to provide high quality audio and video contents over IEEE 802.11. It is an revised presentation from r0, presented in May 2006.
There is a trend for more and more CE devices which now support wireless connectivity (e.g. Home theatres, game consoles, Digital TV, Set Top Box). Document goes on to discuss many WLAN CE applications and discusses the adoption of DRM.
Layer 3 based MESH networking: r1. Work also related to IETF activities (e.g. MANET, MASE) and they have several internet drafts already. This submission presents the work of various Japanese universities and groups, within the project 'next generation ad hoc network base technologies'. They have developed a test bed demonstrator across the university with more than 50 nodes.
MIMO-OFDM Beamforming: r0. Detailed submission looking at a beamforming technique, showing mathematical techniques to solve and reduce the output matrix values. Multi-media challenges for IEEE 802.11: r1.
The submission looks at AV networks and also some of the requirements in the TV production studio, with typically 6-12 High Definition cameras. It must be remembered that a camera control channel is also required. TV studios are quite attractive for MIMO system, but unfortunately outdoor locations are completely different environments and up to 40 channels may be required. WLAN for next generation AV: Motion for SG Creation: r1.
Presentation about the motivation and objective behind the proposed audio visual study group. It is felt that such extensions to IEEE 802.11 will allow it to play a major role in the entertainment industry. The ITU has just established a group looking at home networking, examining all wired solutions (but not wireless).
Summary Of Overview Of Emerging Ieee 802.11 Protocol For Mac Download
May 2006, Jacksonville, Florida, USA WNG had 2 sessions at this meeting: The first session had 4 presentations and the second session had 2 presentations:. IEEE 802 - 2001 Overview and Architecture General Bit Rates: r1r0. This document proposes that the IEEE 802 - 2001 Overview and Architecture (Wireless Delivery) error rate specification is impossible to meet. This is essentially because you can not control the packet error rate or the latency of the system.
There are so many parameters than you cannot control, e.g. CRC checksums, PLCP checksums etc. This is further complicated within a mesh architecture (e.g. IEEE 802.11s). Use Cases of WLAN for Audio/Video Streams: r0. This presentation introduces typical consumer electronic devices which could use WLANs (IEEE 802.11n) in the future (e.g.
Digital TV, Home Theatres, Portable Multimedia Players - PMP), which typically use high data rate audio/video (AV) streams. These devices all have stringent QoS requirements. MAC performance improvement using random AIFSN: r1. This presentation looks at ways to alleviate contention within the home environment. AIFSN (Arbitration inter frame space number).
The use case is very similar to that presented in the previous presentation, which shows the digital home of the future. The presentation suggests that IEEE 802.11e can be used for the channel access mechanism, but by using a random AIFSN, the channel access mechanism can be improved for multiple stream operation.
Multi-channel Direct Link Protocol for HD video: r0. This presentation is an updated presentation from TGv in March 2006.
Initially WLAN had low congestion, and therefore high QoS. But this situation will change in the future. However, channels will be limited, even with direct link (peer to peer) IEEE 802.11n operation. The document discusses these issues.
3 straw polls were taken. Liaison-request-from-tia-tr41-4: r1. This presentation is a summary of the liaison request from TIA TR-41.4 contained in IEEE 802.r0. It seeks information on whether 802.11 has mechanisms in place to support admissions control and prioritization requirements necessary for emergency calls from VoWLAN phones. Proposed-multi-purpose-802-11-mac-extensions: r1. This presentation described a possible extension of the 802.11 MAC protocol to allow parallel use of multiple channels by a set of wireless devices which can boost aggregate throughput beyond what an enhanced link protocol can. March 2006, Denver, Colorado, USA WNG had 2 sessions at this meeting: The first session had 4 presentations:.
802.21 Liaison (r0). This presentation initiated a discussion on the liaison received from 802.21. A presentation of the OBAN concept: An IST Project under EC's 6th framework (r0): This presentation introduces the concept of OBAN (Open Broadband Access Network), an European funded project under the IST 6th framework program. It focussed on the mobility architecture and the challenges and potential solutions for fast handovers. Introduction to CIRCLE (Communications Infrastructure Restoration in the event of Catastrophic Loss of Equipment) (r0). This presentation initiated a discussion of catastrophic loss of communications infrastructure and highlighted the need for a standards approach to providing rapid recovery.
802.11 MAC Extensions for Increasing Aggregate WLAN Throughput (r0). This presentation described a MAC protocol that allows parallel use of multiple channels which can boost WLAN aggregate throughput beyond what a link protocol can. The second session (held as part of mid-week plenary) had 3 presentations:. 802.11 and PLC (r0). This presentation IEEE 802.11 technologies are relevant to Power Line Communications (PLC). It introduced IEEE PLC standardization effort (P1901) and offered some ideas of where partnerships can be established.
Update on HD Video over WLAN (r0). This presentation provided a summary of activities on HD video over WLAN.
Summary Of Overview Of Emerging Ieee 802.11 Protocol For Mac 2017
The discussion focused on trends, use-cases in HD video, and relevant MAC enhancements with respect to these cases. The scope of a possible amendment to 802.11 was also presented. More 'what is 802.11u?' This presentation provided a deeper understanding of the scope of 802.11u. It provided an overview of the current status and process of 802.11u within the IEEE 802.11 standardization activities. March 2006 Goals.
Ambient Project Update. OBAN (European IST Project). January 2006, Big Island, Hawaii, USA WNG had 2 main topics for discussion this meeting:. Video transmission update (r2).
This paper gave a brief update to the video transmission presentation given in the previous November meeting. CBP and David Allen's methods (r0): This paper explained how can Dave Allen's (reference in document r0) ideas be applied to the running and organization of the study group (organization, brainstorming, quality). March 2006 Goals. Ambient Project Update. OBAN (European IST Project). November 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada WNG had 2 main topics for discussion this meeting:. Opportunities and use of IEEE 802.11 for short range communications in Space (r0).
This paper introduced opportunities for he exploitation of IEEE 802.11 within spacecraft and short range communications between spacecraft. Video transmission update (r0). This paper gave a brief update to the video tranmission presentation given in the previous September meeting. January 2006 Goals. Video transmission. OBAN (European IST Project).
September 2005, Garden Grove, California, USA WNG had 4 main topics for discussion during the meeting: 1. IEEE 802.1AM PAR issues. WNG continued the discussion from the last meeting in July.
Data brought into the group were discussed and considered very valid as part of a living document. Update on FMCA. This presentation provided an overview of the FMCA. There is general interest from FMCA to foster good working relationship with IEEE 802.11. Improving IEEE 802.11 Performance with Cross-Layer Design and Multipacket Reception via Multiuser Iterative Decoding. Receivers today have the ability to decode more than one packets from multiple users.
Such a physical layer can deliver significant improvements to network performances. Thus, the classical collision model is no longer realistic and a cross-layer approach should be employed when designing multiple access protocols. This is especially the case for CSMA communications, which previously have not been implemented with a multipacket reception (MPR) model.
The author proposed applying recent information theoretic results in multiuser iterative decoding to help improve IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN standards' performances. This method also preserves the underlying physical layer's implementation. 802.11 MAC extensions for high rate video. This presentation identified a two-dimensional QoS and dynamic priority, rate and FEC adaptation based on RRM. Initial results were presented on the home networking scenarios, simulation of 802.11e, and a direct link selection mechanism.
Posted on Updated on “Ever wondered siting idle inside a car how different it would be if your vehicle can talk to a vehicle nearby”. In day to day life vehicle are the most important medium of transportation in the world. With an increasing number of vehicle on the road it bring us to an obvious question, How much safe are we? As the number of vehicle increases it cascades its effects into below mentioned areas:. Increase in road accident. Traffic congestion on the road increased.
Safe limiting distance and problem in predicting the speed of the vehicle In order to minimize above effects, a new standard/protocol has to be implemented which guarantee safety and some guidelines for the future scenario. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is one of the communication and information technology which deals with safety in transportation, security, reliability, fuel efficiency and intelligent transport system by upgrading the current technology. The main concept of developing this system is to automate the interaction between two moving vehicle and hence ensure safety. Communication between vehicle are mainly divided into two parts:. V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle Communication)-With neighbouring vehicle. V2I (Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication)-with roadside equipment Implementing wireless communication technology in vehicle (say 100 to 500 Meters) and this technology is Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) Technology.
The main objective of VANET is to broadcast the warning message at the time of emergency or when some obstacle is present or when there is a traffic congestion in the road 1. In 2004, IEEE 802.11 task group p developed amendment to the Original IEEE 802.11 standard to enhance support to VANET. It support ITS application by exchanging the data between fast moving vehicle and between the vehicle and roadside unit in the licensed ITS band of 5.85-5.925 GHz. IEEE 802.11P deals with MAC (Medium Access Control) and PHY(Physical) Layer in the VANET.
In order to fulfil the complete protocol suite, another team of IEEE i.e. IEEE 1609 developed a higher layer specification on 802.11p.
IEEE 1609 consists of few important documents 2. IEEE 1609.1: Resource Manager.
IEEE 1609.2: Security service and processing of secure message. IEEE 1609.3: Network and transport service. IEEE 1609.4: Multichannel Access operation. IEEE 1609.11: Over the Air Electronic Payment Data Exchange Protocol for ITS. IEEE 1609.12: Identifier Allocation Figure 1 Wave Architecture 3 IEEE 802.11p and IEEE 1609.x together called as wireless access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) in Vehicular environment.
IEEE 802.11p protocol is also called DSRC (Dedicated short Range communication). Wireless communication in vehicle scenario is currently the most researched topic and many big companies are researching in collaboration with universities. Through this blog, I would like to throw light on IEEE 802.11p (wireless access in Vehicular environment) in detail. This was just a introduction to the protocol and the basic terminologies associated to it. IEEE 802.11P is mainly based on the 2 layers of OSI model i.e.
MAC and PHY layer. From the previous established IEEE 802.11, changes has been made to incorporate the challenges in the vehicular environment like fast moving, interference etc in MAC and PHY layer. In my coming blog, I will be discussing as a whole about WAVE architecture that consist of IEEE 802.11P and IEEE 1609 family followed by its application in the current research and in day to day life. Till then enjoy reading!!!!
Reference: 1 2 “IEEE Guide for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) Architecture”, SponsorIntelligent Transportation Systems Committee of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, Approved 11 December 2013 IEEE-SA Standards Board.