Wild Divine Biofeedback Software Your Host Anton Hout Founder, OvercomeBullying.org WORKPLACE SCHOOL BULLYING CYBER BULLYING BOOKS & POSTERS HEALTH ISSUES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT GROUPS OVERCOME BULLYING Subscribe Follow us on, and Wild Divine Biofeedback Software Deal With Your Stress – Wild Divine Offers Several Visually Stunning Biofeedback Programs that Can Help Stress is a killer and finding effective ways to deal with it is essential. Using biofeedback to recognize and control your stress levels is one especially good method. First, let's take a closer look at what biofeedback is and how it can help you not only reduce your stress but give you the tools to recognize your body's responses and take conscious control when you feel stress levels rising.


The Wild Divine programs we will be discussing make extensive use of biofeedback software so. What is Biofeedback? The definition approved by the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback says: Biofeedback is a process that enables an individual to learn how to change physiological activity for the purposes of improving health and performance. Precise instruments measure physiological activity such as brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity, and skin temperature.

These instruments rapidly and accurately 'feed back' information to the user. The presentation of this information — often in conjunction with changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior — supports desired physiological changes. Over time, these changes can endure without continued use of an instrument. Bolding added for emphasis. What is Wild Divine? Founded in 2001, Wild Divine has designed and developed unique relaxation training programs that help people reduce stress and live happier and more balanced lives by utilizing biofeedback software and hardware. Using meditation along with guided relaxation and breathing exercises, their “inner-active” programs integrate the best mind/body training available through a visually stunning multimedia experience.

Health experts like Andrew Weil, Dean Ornish and Deepak Chopra (and others) provide insights and techniques to assist you to deal with stress and regain a sense of calm and balance in your life. My Experience with Wild Divine A while back a friend of ours called late one evening because they had a sick child they needed to take to the hospital. She asked if I would come over because her other children were already in bed and she needed someone to stay at her place while she went to the hopital. When I got there she told me that it could be several hours but if I liked I could check out a new biofeedback program she had just gotten. It seemed like a good way to pass the time so I gave it a try. It was 'The Passage', the first in the 'Journey to Wild Divine Adventure' series. I had never tried biofeedback before, let alone played an interactive game with biofeedback hardware.

Wild Divine products use a biofeedback devise called the IOM that has three sensors that fit comfortably on three fingers of one hand. The first thing that will strike you when you play any of the Wild Divine biofeedback software games is the beautiful imagery. You enter an amazing world of lush gardens and towering palaces. Map view of the Sun Realm you will journey through You engage with many teachers in your journey who share techniques to help you control your stress levels. Some will show you breathing exercises that you then use to move to higher levels in the game. You are provided with a visual guage that lets you know exactly how relaxed (or stressed) you are.

But as you use the relaxation techniques you are able to have an effect on the game itself. The 'IOM' biofeedback hardware detects things like your Skin Conductance Level (SCL) and Heart Rate Variability. Through the IOM you use your mind to open doors, build bridges, shoot arrows and many other engaging exercises that are not only entertaining but are teaching you how to consciously lower your stress levels.

Well, before I knew it hours had gone. (Yes, I did check on the kids occassionally and they were fine.) My friend came back from the hospital but I was hooked and had to get my own Wild Divine system. I had the chance to give it a good test so I knew how incredible it was so I ordered a bundle pack that included the biofeedback hardware and the two biofeedback software programs in the Wild Divine series: The Passage and Wisdom Quest. The following videos will give you a better idea of how they work and how stunning the graphics are but it's when you are actually playing these games, using the breathing techniques, feeling yourself relax and interacting with the elements in the game that you realize the full benefits. The best part is that since you are learning real techniques to control your stress levels you can use them wherever you need them. You will be more conscious of your body's autonomic responses to stress and you will be able to take simple steps to calm yourself when you need it most.

The Passage Wisdom Quest While you can order biofeedback software programs separately you need the Iom hardware to interact with the games. Wild Divine offers bundles (like the one I got) that include the hardware unit and various game or guided training software programs. In addition to the games I mentioned (The Passage and Wisdom Quest), Wild Divine also has another biofeedback program that is especially good for stress reduction called Healing Rhythms. Healing Rhythms Healing Rythms is another beautiful interactive biofeedback software training program from Wild Divine that teaches you how to deal with stress. Since stress is the number one threat to your mental and physical health Healing Rhythms has been designed to give you to the tools to protect yourself from the harmful effects of stress. You will learn stress reducing breathing exercises from experts in health and wellness. As you practice these exercises you get real-time feedback on your computer.

In as little as fifteen minutes you will begin to feel the results. Reducing your stress means improved mental and physical well-being, better sleep, improved relationships and facilitates an all around healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Basically, it teaches you how to break the cycle of stress by putting your stress levels within your control. You will be provided feedback and guidance throughout Healing Rhythms (and all the Wild Divine biofeedback software) from recognized experts such as:. Deepak Chopra, M.D. Dean Ornish, M.D.

Andrew Weil, M.D. Nawang Khechog. Sharon Salzberg.

Stephen Cope. Joan Borysenko Grapher Expansion Pack Wild Divine also offers the Grapher Expansion Pack that you can get separately or as part of a bundle. You can use it to record your biofeedback data during gameplay as well as when you are not in the game. You can use this biofeedback software to see how stress indicators, including Skin Conductance Level (SCL) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) are affected by your own relaxation excercises. See how listening to your favorite relaxing music or practicing your own meditation or breathing excercises (outside of gameplay) affects your stress levels. Just having the biofeedback data available directly will help you to control your stress levels as you become consciously aware of the reactions in your mind and body to stressors. Recommendations: Wild Divine Biofeedback When I got my bundle pack a couple of years ago it didn't include the Healing Rhythms and Grapher Expansion Pack programs but I wish it had.

The Passage and Wisdom Quest games are absolutely beautiful and with the biofeedback hardware they definitely work to not only reduce stress right away but to help give you the awareness of your internal mental and physical reactions so you can use the relaxation techniques wherever you need them. Wild Divine Reviews: Newsweek 'Can video games help kids?

Mission accomplished.' Busniness Week 'Leading the way. Games that promote health' CNN 'Groundbreaking. It works - and it's actually a heck of a fun experience.'

The Journey To Wild Divine: The Passage (2-discs Game For Mac

Family Circle 'Sheer bliss is exploring Wild Divine. It blocked out the noisy room and turned off the chatter in my head.' Yoga Journal 'Turns the quest for calm into entertainment.' Mac World GAME HALL OF FAME: 'Without a question one of the most memorable games of the year.' The biofeedback games and grapher utility are comparable in price to other software games so the main expense is with the Iom biofeedback hardware unit. But it works with all the software from Wild Divine. But once you try one you will be hooked and will want (and benefit from) the other programs available.

The Journey To Wild Divine: The Passage (2-discs Game For Mac Torrent

The best way to go is with the bundle packs offered by Wild Divine as they provide the best value. I would recommend the Super Bundle Pack. With that you get all products from Wild Divine at a special price and then you own everything! It is well worth the price though. In fact it will be the best money you ever spend as it will help you lower your stress, keep your sanity, your health, your job and your family. You can lose all of those things (and more) if you don't find a way to deal with the dangerous levels of stress that arise from bullying.

The Wild Divine biofeedback software programs work to reduce stress and give you the tools to deal with stress anywhere, anytime using scientifically proven techniques with feedback from medical experts. My recommendation from personal experience is to get it now. I suggest you order the bundle pack and start dealing with your stress today. Nothing is more important to your mental and physical health.

The consequences of stress are serious. The impacts of stress on your health are just the beginning. They will also be used against you at work and can cost you your career, not to mention the pressure it puts on your relationships and family. Besides, Wild Divine has a full money-back guarantee so you are completely protected. (Software available for both Mac and PC.) All the Best, Founder, OvercomeBullying.org Screenshots from the Biofeedback Game Series. DISCLOSURE: Many of the products and services we advertise and recommend on this site provide us with an affiliate commission for referrals.

Using our affiliate links ensures we are credited for referrals when you make a purchase. We very much appreciate your support. We take this responsibility very seriously and endeavor to only promote quality products and services from reputable merchants and providers. If you are dissatisfied (or very pleased) with the quality of the products or the service provided, please and let us know about your experience. Copyright © 2007–2017, OvercomeBullying.org, All Rights Reserved.

INTRODUCTION Apple’s decision (April 15, 2016) to cease supporting Quicktime for Windows creates a critical gap in proper security management of any Windows-based computer that has Quicktime installed on it. The Wild Divine programs effected by this change are:. The Passage (any version). Wisdom Quest (any version). Relaxing Rhythms (formerly Healing Rhythms) version 11.5 or less All of these programs require Quicktime to be installed in order to execute properly. Numerous computer security authorities as well as US-CERT have that users immediately from their computer due to known security issues/vulnerabilities that exist within the product and will NOT be fixed by Apple. Wild Divine strongly suggests that you follow these recommendations and delete Quicktime for Windows as soon as possible from your Windows computer.

The Journey To Wild Divine: The Passage (2-discs Game For Mac Download

The Wild Divine programs mentioned previously in this article DO NOT pose any threat or vulnerability but will not be operational once you have removed Quicktime from your Windows computer. PRODUCT HISTORY As of Friday April 15, 2016 Wild Divine will no longer provide any downloads or updates for the following programs on any platform:. The Passage (any version) – original release 2004. Wisdom Quest (any version) – original release 2005. Relaxing Rhythms (formerly Healing Rhythms – version 11.5 or less) – original release 2006 In January 2014 Wild Divine ceased selling and supporting The Passage and Wisdom Quest programs and had been providing free updates of the latest versions of these programs (circa 2009) to previous owners upon request.

These updates were provided “as is” due to the changes and potential issues/conflicts in the underlying technology of both the operating system as well as other 3rd-party products required to support their continued use. In 2013 we introduced Relaxing Rhythms 12.0 which replaced all previous versions of Relaxing/Healing Rhythms on PC and Mac computer.

At that time we ceased support for the 11.5 version and guided users to the 12.0 (or subsequent versions) for any technical or system compatibility issues. © Copyright Wild Divine, Inc.

All rights reserved.