KeyStrokes is an award-winning, fully-functional, advanced on-screen keyboard providing people with physical impairments as well as graphic tablet and touch screen users full access to the computer. KeyStrokes allows you to use a mouse, trackball, head pointer or other mouse emulator to type characters into any standard Mac OS X application.

For those who can position the pointer, but not click the mouse buttons, the integrated Dwellix™ system-wide dwell-based utility allows mouse button clicks to be entered by simply holding the cursor motionless for an adjustable period of time. KeyStrokes provides advanced multilingual word prediction. Thanks to its revolutionary PolyPredix™ word prediction engine it can do word completion, next word prediction and even multi-word prediction in any Roman language as well as many other languages. The PolyPredix™ prediction engine offers many unique, time and effort saving features allowing significantly easier and faster typing.

PolyPredix™ can reduce typing efforts by 50 to 70%. KeyStrokes 4 adds LayoutKitchen, which allows users to design their own virtual keyboards.

Keystrokes on-screen keyboard for mac download

On Screen Keyboard Imac


Keystrokes On Screen Keyboard For Mac


Keystrokes On Screen Keyboard For Mac Sierra

Such virtual keyboards can be used not only for typing, but also to launch applications, speak, run AppleScripts and much more.